
SC-ST Scholarship for Study Abroad

 New Delhi, offers Scholarships at Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Research/Specialized preparing level. The grants are granted in subjects for which appropriate offices are not accessible in India. Inclination is given to Automation and  Qualification: The grants are granted to applicants having a place with Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Denotified, roaming and Semi-Nomadic Tribes. The salary furthest reaches of guardians/gatekeepers or the candidate himself/herself is fixed  Lots of meritorious aspirants are unable to take institutional guidance for Medical and Engineering due to unfavourable  Economic Conditions or NEET Score  Issues  . Uchaai National Scholarship Program is aim to provide the best education to the talented student by funding to their higher education. Hence, to nurture the talent of such candidates,   Uchaai will provide scholarship College tuition fee with Health Insurance. Our mission is to empower future doctors, regardless of financial background. We bel